Sunday, October 21, 2007

Don't Everyone Go At Once

Well, this blog has gotten off to an amazing start. I guess I will post some news in the hopes that everyone will come out of their shells.

We recently found out that the Disney Channel is looking for a new animated series idea and has given the animation department at BYU the "green light" to submit ideas. We submitted individual ideas to the class last week and mine was one of the ones that went over well. We have now broken off into groups to polish the ideas and then we will present them to Disney. If the idea is picked up by Disney then that gives me not only the power to negotiate rights with them, but a pretty good "in" with the story department at Disney.

So, we are pretty excited about that. I will keep you posted on what happens, as well as upload character designs and pitch art as it is available.

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Welcome to the LeDosquet Family Blog. I thought this would be a great way to keep each other informed of events and occasions that arise in our families. Also, it could be a great forum for planning the next LeDosquet Family Reunion (since it's been nearly 5 years since the last one). Please contribute news as often as you can and hopefully this will make a good record for posterity, as well.